Thursday 30 April 2015

TRUE LIGHT - Ej12 side Cover

Hello Agents!
The ej12 side of the cover has been revealed! 
as we can see there's four dogs (husky???) pulling the sled with Emma and Elle inside. Behind them is the fading aurora lights (so pretty) and it's also snowing. 

On the ej12 website there's a competition to name the three dogs, but there's four in the picture! My guess is that one of them is Pip! Yay! (More on that later)

What do you guys think of it? I really like it actually.


Sunday 26 April 2015


The next ej12 book (20) will be called True Light

It will be set in Sweden 

More details coming soon

Friday 17 April 2015

Happy holidays

Hey agents,
So for most of Australia it's holidays (or was) so happy holidays! I'm still on holidays till next Wednesday :)

First off, Susannah posted this picture from the next ej spy school book, Lights out:
Must be some sort of in the dark mission or training. 

Secondly, earlier today I was on holidays at a place where you stay in cabins and next door on their deck was a girl reading Rocky Road! I didn't talk to her because we were leaving but I don't often see others reading EJ12 outside. 

CL14 out!

Thursday 2 April 2015

Sorry I haven't updated for a while...

Sorry about the little updates...
Anyway, I don't have any real news, except for the new Ej spy school book 'Lights Out' comes out at some point. I can't find the cover online yet, I saw it in Total Girl magazine. It's got 3 mice on the cover and EJ holding a torch!