Saturday 20 June 2015

Website Update

Hello agents,
Just a quick post to tell you that I'm working on this blog! I'm trying to add and delete pages and edit the polls and stuff but it's being a little... Fiddly. Hope to have it working soon...
(P.s, I'm going to be CL16 in just over a month!)

Friday 19 June 2015

True light complete cover

Ta-da^ the full true light cover as revealed on the official ej12 blog! 

I think it's really pretty, even though Emma's sad. I love the aurora lights in the background and the snow! Have you guys ever seen snow before? I've been to the snow once years ago but it was more like ice than snow. 

That's all for now!
CL14 out!

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Nothing much :)

Hello Agents!
So I haven't posted for a while but I'm back... Kind of!

Anyway, there isn't any new news on anything ej12 related or about True light other than that both sides of the cover has been revealed. Below I've placed two things I've edited. Images and stuff is owned by Susannah and her company. 

And an eve edit!
None of these are official!!!