Monday 20 July 2015

Why I Love EJ12

As my final post as CL14 (I'm CL16 soon) I am going to type up why I love EJ12, here we go. It may be a bit long...

Why do I love EJ12:
Emma Jacks, a character who acts and thinks like a girl her age, is a girl I've grown up reading about. Being a spy has always (and still is) something I wish I could be, so when I realised that wasn't going to happen soon, I started to read about spies. EJ12 was exactly what I was hoping for, a book about a girl spy, who could do anything when she set herself to it. 

I first remember seeing EJ12 on the bookshelf at my local Borders bookstore. I went there often, reading and looking at books while my mother would have something to eat at the cafe. EJ12 was a book series I often saw but never really touched until one day, after I'd searched for a spy book in the huge store for so long, I picked it up and was delighted to find it was about that very topic. The book I picked up was 'In the dark' (book 3). I went home, read the book, and was slightly confused about some areas of the book. I soon returned to the store and bought books 1 and 2. I read them and finally understood as much as I could about EJ12. From there I went on to read the rest of the series, up to this very day. 

I loved (and still do) that Emma uses all her potential when on missions. She thinks things through and completes the missions. She was one of my inspirations to work at school, knowing that if Emma could do it, I could. And so can you!

Overall, the EJ12 series is a beautifully written book series written by a talented author. Maybe if I think things through like Emma, I could myself one day publish a book or two (which is one of my life goals :)

CL14 signing out for the last time ever 

CL14 Out

Wednesday 1 July 2015


Nothing new about the book other than that it is coming out in about 50 days now :)

Okay so I've been getting comments on shine camp thing up the top of this page of good ideas of things to do, and I do want to upload there. But the website makes it that I have to use a computer to update it to there, and I mainly use my iPad (I'm using my iPad right now) but I'm hoping to add something soon. 

Happy Holidays Agents! 

P.s This month I become CL16 *gasp*

CL14 out!