Wednesday 8 January 2014

Quiz 1

Comment with the quiz answers. I'll choose two agents to mention on the blog.

1. Where is book 1 set?
2. What is the name of the monkey EJ met in Jump Start?
3. Who is A1's twin?
4. What bands concert does EJ attend in Rocky Road?
5. What dies EJ rescue in Choc Shock?
6. Which two spy buddies does EJ meet in On The Ball?
7. What is Adriana's submarine called? Drama Queen what movie set does EJ go to?
9. Who is Caterina's Cousin?
10. What colour is Caterina's hair in Pyrimid Puzzle?

Please comment using your agent name!


  1. By the way to choose a name select the option called name/URL, you can choose a name.

  2. Your answers are correct HH12, I just have to delete them so no one copies.
