Wednesday 20 April 2016


It's official, 
Book 21 will be the last EJ12 book
Susannah has said that it will wrap up the series and include lots of Easter eggs from previous books. 

From the cover it looks like like a celebration of Emma's birthday and a mission where she has a firework? It looks like a great story already and it comes out in just over 40 days!

Susannah also announced that she's starting a project that looks like it will be able girls and other things. Will be interesting to see what happens. 

Thank you Susannah for so many great books. I've grown up reading them, getting my mum to pay for them at the counter once I turned 13 and thought it was 'uncool' to buy a 'kids' books. But it's a great series with great messages. Thanks for everything

- CL16 out (for now) 

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