Wednesday 20 April 2016


It's official, 
Book 21 will be the last EJ12 book
Susannah has said that it will wrap up the series and include lots of Easter eggs from previous books. 

From the cover it looks like like a celebration of Emma's birthday and a mission where she has a firework? It looks like a great story already and it comes out in just over 40 days!

Susannah also announced that she's starting a project that looks like it will be able girls and other things. Will be interesting to see what happens. 

Thank you Susannah for so many great books. I've grown up reading them, getting my mum to pay for them at the counter once I turned 13 and thought it was 'uncool' to buy a 'kids' books. But it's a great series with great messages. Thanks for everything

- CL16 out (for now) 

Friday 18 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Agents!

I haven't posted lately which I did talk about a few posts back and I still will be away for a little bit. Just been going through some big changes in my life, but they're good changes :) 

For the Christmas spirit I've been playing with animation on the computer and created this short video:

The character on the video is what I look like, kind of. Green eyes, brown curly hair and pink. 

HH14/16 won this years agent of the year so congrats! Second year in a row!

Merry Christmas! 

From CL16!

Saturday 7 November 2015

#4 Guess that Agent

Sup agents,
There's been no new news about the next ej12 book but we're all waiting. According to the website it should come out 1st of June next year :/ very very long time away but all well. We do have 20 books to read in the meantime.

Now for guess that agent number 4!
Last times answer was HJ12 which HH14 got correct! She's leading so far. Also remember that whoever wins at Christmas I make a certificate and put it on my blog.
Here it is:
CL16 out

Saturday 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween for yesterday!

Happy Halloween for yesterday!
Hope you had fun trick or treating if you did that
Here's a picture of Emma I made of her costume:

She's a black cat :) 
Some people are probably going to use that image on the ej12 official blog in the artwork, that's why I put edited by CL16 there. Some people have been claiming my pictures as there own... Well, my edits.

P.s From Middle of November onwards I may not post for a few weeks. Hopefully I will before Christmas but I've got some things going (big things) that will take up my time... 
P.s.s the guess that agent from the last post is still unanswered (I think) so go comment down who you think it is for points >

CL16 out!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

#3 Guess that Agent

Howdy agents, 
Still not much news about book 21. Susannah has said that she is currently planning it, so it Is in the making. 

Also if you have a fan story or want to read ej12 fan stories go to fan stories above and click the link to my other website where I post fan stories that are sent in! Even just send in the first chapter or first few sentences.

Now for Guess that Agent #3
#2 agent was Eve! Good guessing agents. 
Here is agent 3
Get guessing!
CL16 out!

Friday 16 October 2015

#2 Guess that Agent

Heya Agents,
This is number 2 out of around 8-10 guess that agent challenges! HH12 (or 14,16 I'm not sure) correctly guess Isi and got 20 points on the leaderboard to the side >
Remember whoever comes first at the end of the year gets a certificate posted on the blog made by me. HH one last year, will anyone beat her? 
How to comment:
Use the Name/URL option and just put in your name and leave URL empty and then comment! Or just go with anonymous and say from whoever you are. 

Guess that agent #2 is below. First comment gets 20 points and then any other correct gets 10 points. Any incorrect answers will still get you5 points. I won't publish the comments but will add your points when I see it. 
This ones a little bit trickier 

Sunday 11 October 2015

#1 Guess that Agent + Updates

Yo agent, 

First, I've updated this blog a little and done a lot of work on the fan books website (go to fan books above to find the link) along with the shine activities page. 

Now for the guess that agent contest. First agent to guess the character below gets 20 points (for shining stars to the side) and everyone else afterwards gets 10. 

Guess away!
CL16 out