Friday 16 October 2015

#2 Guess that Agent

Heya Agents,
This is number 2 out of around 8-10 guess that agent challenges! HH12 (or 14,16 I'm not sure) correctly guess Isi and got 20 points on the leaderboard to the side >
Remember whoever comes first at the end of the year gets a certificate posted on the blog made by me. HH one last year, will anyone beat her? 
How to comment:
Use the Name/URL option and just put in your name and leave URL empty and then comment! Or just go with anonymous and say from whoever you are. 

Guess that agent #2 is below. First comment gets 20 points and then any other correct gets 10 points. Any incorrect answers will still get you5 points. I won't publish the comments but will add your points when I see it. 
This ones a little bit trickier 

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