Friday 9 October 2015

Spotlight Single and Teams (Games)

Shine Activities #1

How to play regular spotlight
What you need:
3+ People (The more the better)
1 Flashlight PER PERSON
An area to play (like a park/or inside)

Spotlight is best played in the dark (perhaps just after sunset)

1 person is it, like in tag, and turns there flashlight on. Everyone gets around 10-20 seconds to hide behind trees or furniture. Once the time is up whoever is it goes around trying to tag other players. A player is tagged if they are shone on by the flashlight. Whoever is tagged then turns heir flashlight on and the person who was it turns theres off. This game goes on for however long the players would like.

How to play team spotlight
What you need:
4+ People (The more the better)
1 Flashlight PER PERSON
An area to play (like a park/or inside)
Different coloured cellophane (2)
Rubber band per flashlight

This game is played just like regular Spotlight with a twist, there's 2 teams! As usual, each player has a flashlight, but this time a piece of coloured cellophane covers the light. TIP: Use thinner cellophane for the beam of light to be seen. The two teams, defined by their colour, go to the playing area and decide who from either team will be it for the round. The two players (one from each team) then stands in the middle. After 10-30 seconds the players turns on their flashlights and begin to move around searching for hiders. They each look for people on the other team who are eliminated after being found and go stand in the middle. The two people cannot tag each other. Last remaining person and their team wins.

- The two colours chosen should both be bright
   - Red wont work very well, try blue and yellow or another set of bright colours.
- Another team version is that once someone is tagged they also become a tagger, like gang up tiggy
- If you have enough people try playing with 3 or 4 teams

There you have it! How to play different versions of Spotlight. Comment below if you tried anything mentioned above. 

Spy skills:
Good hiding, spying and timing skills along with aiming and searching.

CL16 out

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