Monday 17 November 2014

EJ12 Fan Book Site

Heya ej12 fans,
So there hasn't been any new ej12 news to post, so that's why no ones really been posting on any blogs. But I thought since not many people know, Iv made another blog that's ej12 for ej12 FAN stories!

The website link will be at the end. 

On the website you can send in your own stories! Then I will put them up in the fan books section for everyone to read! To send them in go to the page send in your stories and submit the chapter into the box. If you do the whole thing and it's huge then it might to send correctly. 

Once I get it I will publish it to the fan books page and say that it is from you
So far there's only the first chapter of my story secret at sea but more is to come. You can stay up to date with what stories are coming in the fan book news section. So far we have:
Rest of secret at sea coming
Spied out by MB14 coming

So send your stories in! 
And if you have a cover I will need to find a way to get it since I can't put my email up

Link below:

Hope that link works
See you

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