Wednesday 25 June 2014

Ej12 mission tunnel thoughts and other things

Hello agents,
Iv been trying to think of something interesting to post for today and while looking threw my ej12 pictures I started thinking about the shine mission tunnel. 

So I'm sure while reading ej12 you've thought at least once about what the mission tunnel looks like. A giant slide which takes 5-10 minutes to ride from your school is cool enough but whne your riding on a beanbag it's a whole lot cooler! The official picture from EJ spy school is below:
Looks like total fun. I'm sure it would be safe too. Also you wouldn't have to worry about other people climbing up or sliding down like on the playground ones. 

But would Emma spend the whole trip sitting there waiting to read the end or would she be on her shine phone playing a game or something? I'd probally be to nervous/excited to play any games but it's a possibility. Also another question, what would happen if you fell off the beanbag, even if that seems unlikely? How do you grab onto it from behind/infront? I'd test it myself if I had a big enough slide, good beanbag and a 5-10 minute in length slide. Anyway, I'm sure agents rarely fall off so let's leave that question now.

I'll leave it at that for now
Also as you may or may not know I LOVE dolphins and whales and on the weekend I'm going to a place which has views of whales and dolphins often! It's a whale watching hotel place so I hope to see some! 
CL14 out-

Tuesday 24 June 2014

EJ things iv been doing :)

Hello everyone,
So as the title says this post is showing two things iv done and am doing at the moment. I'll put some other ej12 things at the end.

First of all I decided I try editing my ej12 avatar so I look more like me. As there's no curly hair option decided to get Elle, change her hair colour and add my ej12 characters face. Before you look at it even though I'm sure a few of you already have skimmed down to the pictures ;) I'd just like to say that I'm still editing it and I know it looks strange because the hair and face don't match if that makes sense. Anyway, here is basically my avatar if it looked more like me:
Next is about the next ej12 FAN MADE book I'm writing and will be sending to the ej12 team chapter by chapter! Iv written the first chapter so far but I'm still fixing it up. But now iv made the cover! Again, still editing it and changing the background. I'll explain it more after the picture:
This book is set in southbank which is in the brisbane city! I thought I'd do a book set in brisbane. In the book Emma is worried about her upcoming oral/speech. But in her mission she's off with Isi (just Isi for a change) and they're in southbank! That's the wheel of brisbane in the background which is at southbank. An unknown shadow agent is getting given special shine runners that will boost her speed so she can enter the Olympics and win by cheating! It's EJ and IJ's job to get the shoes back. The mission sends them all around the brisbane city/southbank. They go to GOMA (art museum), Brisbane State Library (enough said) and the science centre which I'm going to google the exact name is. 

Onto the OFFICAL ej12 related things (sort of)
I emailed the ej12 team with some questions latley and got a reply. 

Q1 has the competition winners been announced or are the winners just emailed and not put on the blog 
Q2 how's the ej12 app going?
Q3 are you aloud to tell me what Eve looks like or is that a spoiler or something?
Q4 how long would it be till the ej12 tv show is made. I'm guessing 1-2 years at least. 


The interview question winners will be announced very soon and will be posted on the blog. Winners also receive an email - good luck!

If you received the latest newsletter,  you will now know the sad news that we couldn’t get a good enough app for the Mission Alert game so we are starting again - we only want the best for our Agents! Stay tuned for some new mobile games!

You will see a picture of Eve on the cover of book 19 …..

You are right about the TV, it takes a long time. The Producers think it will be ready to go on TV in 2016 - gee whizz lemonfizz!


So that's all for today's post! More will come soon so stay tuned (but don't sit at your computer for ages because the next post will only be at the earliest tomorrow afternoonish)


Monday 23 June 2014

Ciao EJ things

Hello fellow ej12 fans!
Ciao EJ is about 40 days away! Yippee! If you received the newsletter you would have received a sample chapter of ciao EJ which is amazing! 

Also as you may have seen on the ej12 blog they're making a post about ej12 fan blogs! Can't wait to see what will happen! I'll update again soon ;)

Friday 20 June 2014

Hello everyone

Hello ej12 fans,
Iv been trying to find news for you all but at the moment there isn't much to say. But iv found something to blog about so I will. This post will mainly be about Emma's friends and other things I think of. 

Let's start off with KM12, one of EJ's buddies. Her real name (found in certain places) is Katie Mac. In the vault her picture is:

If you go on the ej12 blog there's a picture of her by some other agents at the top. But on that picture she looks like this (sorry about the pixalation) :

The two pictures are slightly different. For one, the bottom picture has freckles unlike the top. Also her lips are darker than the vault pictures but her hair is slightly lighter. But it's probaly lighter because of the pixalation. Which one do you like best? I like the idea of her having freckles because then she looks like one of my friends which makes it easier to picture her in my mind... Anyway!

Next is some other things:
I was thinking (duh). What book does EJ12 compare to? Most people say Zac Power. That's the boys version of ej12, even though zac power started before ej12. Fun fact: Susannah Mcfarlane (ej12 author) has written some Zac Power books! According to the internet anyway. So I was thinking, how funny/cool would a Zac Power and EJ12 crossover be. A book when the two meet on a mission or something. Anyway, just an idea to put out there.

I promise I'll post again when I can. Also if you haven't seen the ej12 blog, Susannah has her early copies of Ciao EJ for the competition winners! Have any of you ever won a competition? I haven't, and iv been entering since the old ej12 website. Just shows you how many people there are.

Sunday 8 June 2014


Hello everyone!
Sorry I haven't been online lately or posting, this term my homework has increased. -sigh- so much homework. Anyway onto happy things!

I don't really have anything new to say since nothing new has been announced lately so this post will most likely be just random notes and facts and things. Better than nothing I guess.

So... Iv been thinking a lot about everything that's coming in the future for EJ12, two more books, a tv show, an app and a possible (I'm guessing likely) EJ14 book. All that's kind of confusing since I'm trying to search the enternet for news, not that there is any. Then I re-read an EJ post and realised something, maybe you've seen this but I noticed lately. Take a look at the old post:
The one part interests me 'probally 20 EJ12 girl hero and some new stories to tie in with the tv...' More books yay! These ones will probally be the tv shows out into short books perhaps. Anyway, it means more books! Yay!

Not much else to say but I have to go so I'll post again at some point :)