Sunday 8 June 2014


Hello everyone!
Sorry I haven't been online lately or posting, this term my homework has increased. -sigh- so much homework. Anyway onto happy things!

I don't really have anything new to say since nothing new has been announced lately so this post will most likely be just random notes and facts and things. Better than nothing I guess.

So... Iv been thinking a lot about everything that's coming in the future for EJ12, two more books, a tv show, an app and a possible (I'm guessing likely) EJ14 book. All that's kind of confusing since I'm trying to search the enternet for news, not that there is any. Then I re-read an EJ post and realised something, maybe you've seen this but I noticed lately. Take a look at the old post:
The one part interests me 'probally 20 EJ12 girl hero and some new stories to tie in with the tv...' More books yay! These ones will probally be the tv shows out into short books perhaps. Anyway, it means more books! Yay!

Not much else to say but I have to go so I'll post again at some point :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great looking blog, C. Well done! I am not familiar with the EJ series, but you sure have made me curious. Thanks for sharing. --Mrs Stegert
