Friday 20 June 2014

Hello everyone

Hello ej12 fans,
Iv been trying to find news for you all but at the moment there isn't much to say. But iv found something to blog about so I will. This post will mainly be about Emma's friends and other things I think of. 

Let's start off with KM12, one of EJ's buddies. Her real name (found in certain places) is Katie Mac. In the vault her picture is:

If you go on the ej12 blog there's a picture of her by some other agents at the top. But on that picture she looks like this (sorry about the pixalation) :

The two pictures are slightly different. For one, the bottom picture has freckles unlike the top. Also her lips are darker than the vault pictures but her hair is slightly lighter. But it's probaly lighter because of the pixalation. Which one do you like best? I like the idea of her having freckles because then she looks like one of my friends which makes it easier to picture her in my mind... Anyway!

Next is some other things:
I was thinking (duh). What book does EJ12 compare to? Most people say Zac Power. That's the boys version of ej12, even though zac power started before ej12. Fun fact: Susannah Mcfarlane (ej12 author) has written some Zac Power books! According to the internet anyway. So I was thinking, how funny/cool would a Zac Power and EJ12 crossover be. A book when the two meet on a mission or something. Anyway, just an idea to put out there.

I promise I'll post again when I can. Also if you haven't seen the ej12 blog, Susannah has her early copies of Ciao EJ for the competition winners! Have any of you ever won a competition? I haven't, and iv been entering since the old ej12 website. Just shows you how many people there are.

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