Tuesday 24 June 2014

EJ things iv been doing :)

Hello everyone,
So as the title says this post is showing two things iv done and am doing at the moment. I'll put some other ej12 things at the end.

First of all I decided I try editing my ej12 avatar so I look more like me. As there's no curly hair option decided to get Elle, change her hair colour and add my ej12 characters face. Before you look at it even though I'm sure a few of you already have skimmed down to the pictures ;) I'd just like to say that I'm still editing it and I know it looks strange because the hair and face don't match if that makes sense. Anyway, here is basically my avatar if it looked more like me:
Next is about the next ej12 FAN MADE book I'm writing and will be sending to the ej12 team chapter by chapter! Iv written the first chapter so far but I'm still fixing it up. But now iv made the cover! Again, still editing it and changing the background. I'll explain it more after the picture:
This book is set in southbank which is in the brisbane city! I thought I'd do a book set in brisbane. In the book Emma is worried about her upcoming oral/speech. But in her mission she's off with Isi (just Isi for a change) and they're in southbank! That's the wheel of brisbane in the background which is at southbank. An unknown shadow agent is getting given special shine runners that will boost her speed so she can enter the Olympics and win by cheating! It's EJ and IJ's job to get the shoes back. The mission sends them all around the brisbane city/southbank. They go to GOMA (art museum), Brisbane State Library (enough said) and the science centre which I'm going to google the exact name is. 

Onto the OFFICAL ej12 related things (sort of)
I emailed the ej12 team with some questions latley and got a reply. 

Q1 has the competition winners been announced or are the winners just emailed and not put on the blog 
Q2 how's the ej12 app going?
Q3 are you aloud to tell me what Eve looks like or is that a spoiler or something?
Q4 how long would it be till the ej12 tv show is made. I'm guessing 1-2 years at least. 


The interview question winners will be announced very soon and will be posted on the blog. Winners also receive an email - good luck!

If you received the latest newsletter,  you will now know the sad news that we couldn’t get a good enough app for the Mission Alert game so we are starting again - we only want the best for our Agents! Stay tuned for some new mobile games!

You will see a picture of Eve on the cover of book 19 …..

You are right about the TV, it takes a long time. The Producers think it will be ready to go on TV in 2016 - gee whizz lemonfizz!


So that's all for today's post! More will come soon so stay tuned (but don't sit at your computer for ages because the next post will only be at the earliest tomorrow afternoonish)


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