Friday 27 February 2015


Sup readers,
So first up, just a warning that the end of this post will contain a false note spoiler! So do NOT read it if you haven't read False note yet. 

But before that, this:
We have a release date yay! I wonder what it's gonna be called? What we know so far, is that it's set in Sweden, Emma's gonna ride a husky sleigh thing and the release date above ^
Also I was wondering, if you have Pyramid Puzzle you would perhaps have noticed that the normally silver part on it is gold. I think this looks really good with the cover but sometimes people wonder why? I am one of those people, but I have an idea. Pyramid puzzle is the 10th book, which is pretty cool, and this coming book will be book 20! Will book 20 then also be gold, since it's another tenth one! Probally not but that's just a thought. 

Now, a spoiler is coming up so flee! If you have not read false note yet, you may now advert your eyes and wonder. I mean, most of you will most likely read and look at the picture but still... It will come after my spoiler warning:
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Spoilers are coming now! Well, kind of spoiler... Anyway.
So on the page for false note it has this summary from A1:
Wow, just wow. A new member! If you've read false note you can probally guess who that is... 
But image 'that person' joining the stars. Should be interesting... 
But what division do you think 'that person' is in? Double agent division? I'm not sure...

Anyway that's all for now, see you for our next spotlight soon!

Sunday 22 February 2015

Spotlight : Code Cracking

Hello agents and code crackers,

Let's start with some information about code crackers. What is a code? Who is a cracker? Let's find out:
Code : (Google definition)
a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy.

That's a pretty good definition I'd say. But back to what they do. Code crackers in shine are agents, as young as 10, who work for shine to crack codes intercepted from Shadow or other sources. For example, EJ12 is a code cracker, the best for her age too. Some other examples are CO45, the head in codes at shine. 

Code cracking is also a very popular divison amongst you guys! Yes you, the reader reading this very sentence and words. Many of you would choose to be a code cracker. EJ does make it look pretty cool doesn't she! 

In real life being a secret agent is possible. You read right, you can be a secret agent. Only thing is for one, all agencies don't accept people under 18, they only acceot the smartest people on earth and are normally based in capital cities. Oh and real secret agent work is very difficult and dangerous, life threatening even. 

But the fact that getting into a real secret agency is hard doesn't stop you from trying, or making your own! Many people like making 'agencies' with their friends, I know my friend and I have our own one, kind of... It's name is always changing! But besides that, have any of you ever made a secret agency with your friend(s)? Feel free to comment if you have!

That's all for this Spotlight! Tune in next time, in a day or two, for a spotlight on... surveillance agents!
Also what division should I do after that? Animal agents? Transport or perhaps Communication? 
<>CL14<>Surveillance Agent<>
Emma a Code Cracker

Agent division Spotlights

Hullo readers,
This post is going to be one that I'll do for a few days, if that makes sense, called division spotlights! 

Basically each shine division known so far will be given a post all about them, their agents and what those agents do. Why am I doing these spotlights? I'm not entirely sure but I have one possible idea, which is that I've deicded to change which division I am on the ej12 website. 

What was I before? Code cracking. Why'd I change? Because I realised I would be better at another and liked it more ;). What am I know? Surveilence. Why Surveilence? Because I realised if I was in real life if be better at it, and probally like it more... I'm not completely sure. 

Code cracking is something I do with my friend sometimes, we like the idea of being spies. But then I do like spying on people and telling people what I've seen, in detail. Maybe I should be a code-veilence divisions. Jokes, I just made that up. 

Anyway back to the spotlights. I'll post the first one soonish, which will be on code crackers. Also I'll keep them spoiler free as far as story lines go. I'll say who some agents in that divison are, what they do and so on. Should be interesting... 

That's all the typing I'll do for this post. But below I've attached my profile thingy from the ej website and blurred out my name and birthdate for cybersaftey ;) all you gotta know about that is that my name starts with C and im 12-13. 
See ya! 
P.s sorry about the blury pic below, it's HD in my photo gallery...
PPS. it won't show my animals for some reason but they're inky, squirt, 3 black kittens and Skygge 

Saturday 21 February 2015

False Note was Awesome

Heya agents, 
My copy of false note ^ you can see my ipad in the reflection O.o 

I know false note comes out on the 25th but my bookstore had them for sale today. 
I literally just finished it about five minutes ago and let me just say, it was awsome. I won't post any story spoilers. 

I think it's now one of my new favourite ej12 books. The mission is really interesting and kept me turning the pages (while driving home in our car). You find some things out about Eve, for example her last name: Licht, which means light. You also learn that Eve's family is from Germany! Also you find some more things out about Nema...

There's so many things I could say but it would spoil parts of the book for you.. 
But either way, you need to read this book! 
Anyway once you've read it tell me your thoughts? 

~ CL14 ~

Tuesday 10 February 2015

New offical comps

Hello people!
There hasn't been much to post about lately but now we've got something!

Two new competitions on the ej12 website!

First one is to win a signed copy of false note, so that's cool

The second one is:
So I'm guessing that person will be a Surveilence agent in the book. I'm not going to say what I have put but you guys should go and enter yours! 

This was a short post but I hope to post again soon