Sunday 22 February 2015

Spotlight : Code Cracking

Hello agents and code crackers,

Let's start with some information about code crackers. What is a code? Who is a cracker? Let's find out:
Code : (Google definition)
a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy.

That's a pretty good definition I'd say. But back to what they do. Code crackers in shine are agents, as young as 10, who work for shine to crack codes intercepted from Shadow or other sources. For example, EJ12 is a code cracker, the best for her age too. Some other examples are CO45, the head in codes at shine. 

Code cracking is also a very popular divison amongst you guys! Yes you, the reader reading this very sentence and words. Many of you would choose to be a code cracker. EJ does make it look pretty cool doesn't she! 

In real life being a secret agent is possible. You read right, you can be a secret agent. Only thing is for one, all agencies don't accept people under 18, they only acceot the smartest people on earth and are normally based in capital cities. Oh and real secret agent work is very difficult and dangerous, life threatening even. 

But the fact that getting into a real secret agency is hard doesn't stop you from trying, or making your own! Many people like making 'agencies' with their friends, I know my friend and I have our own one, kind of... It's name is always changing! But besides that, have any of you ever made a secret agency with your friend(s)? Feel free to comment if you have!

That's all for this Spotlight! Tune in next time, in a day or two, for a spotlight on... surveillance agents!
Also what division should I do after that? Animal agents? Transport or perhaps Communication? 
<>CL14<>Surveillance Agent<>
Emma a Code Cracker

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