Sunday 22 February 2015

Agent division Spotlights

Hullo readers,
This post is going to be one that I'll do for a few days, if that makes sense, called division spotlights! 

Basically each shine division known so far will be given a post all about them, their agents and what those agents do. Why am I doing these spotlights? I'm not entirely sure but I have one possible idea, which is that I've deicded to change which division I am on the ej12 website. 

What was I before? Code cracking. Why'd I change? Because I realised I would be better at another and liked it more ;). What am I know? Surveilence. Why Surveilence? Because I realised if I was in real life if be better at it, and probally like it more... I'm not completely sure. 

Code cracking is something I do with my friend sometimes, we like the idea of being spies. But then I do like spying on people and telling people what I've seen, in detail. Maybe I should be a code-veilence divisions. Jokes, I just made that up. 

Anyway back to the spotlights. I'll post the first one soonish, which will be on code crackers. Also I'll keep them spoiler free as far as story lines go. I'll say who some agents in that divison are, what they do and so on. Should be interesting... 

That's all the typing I'll do for this post. But below I've attached my profile thingy from the ej website and blurred out my name and birthdate for cybersaftey ;) all you gotta know about that is that my name starts with C and im 12-13. 
See ya! 
P.s sorry about the blury pic below, it's HD in my photo gallery...
PPS. it won't show my animals for some reason but they're inky, squirt, 3 black kittens and Skygge 

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