Saturday 21 February 2015

False Note was Awesome

Heya agents, 
My copy of false note ^ you can see my ipad in the reflection O.o 

I know false note comes out on the 25th but my bookstore had them for sale today. 
I literally just finished it about five minutes ago and let me just say, it was awsome. I won't post any story spoilers. 

I think it's now one of my new favourite ej12 books. The mission is really interesting and kept me turning the pages (while driving home in our car). You find some things out about Eve, for example her last name: Licht, which means light. You also learn that Eve's family is from Germany! Also you find some more things out about Nema...

There's so many things I could say but it would spoil parts of the book for you.. 
But either way, you need to read this book! 
Anyway once you've read it tell me your thoughts? 

~ CL14 ~

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