Friday 25 April 2014

EJ spy school books 3-4

Hello everyone!
I got EJ spy school books 3-4 today, even if I'm WAY to old for it. Here's my books:
Yes that is a Nema cutout on my desk. I'm making hot and cold with paper cutouts. It's no way close to done, but it's up to eleven minutes.

In secret spy it shows you what agent IQ400 looks like. She looks good for a drawing, black curly hair (small version of an Afro). Anyway it also shows you the science and invention division room! Yay! It's pretty good book for a five minute read for me. Deep water looks really cool, I wonder what book 6 will be? So far she's found out about shine, done a race with climbing gear, learned about spy tools (and hover boards!) and learned how to look after animals. Book 5 is underwater and there's going to be 12 books.

By the way I'm busy making my own newsletter thing I'll put on the blog every month or two. I'm trying to find one more news thing to fill the second page. It's only two pages and I'll post it as pictures for you.

I'm trying to think of other things to say... Here I'll take a picture of IQ400 for you so you can see her and A1. 
That's IQ400 in the science lab picture. Are you going to get spy school? Have you already got spy school?

Also in my newsletter thing I'm thinking of interviewing someone who likes ej12. I'll interview whoever is the first to crack this code:

I'll give a hint but skip it if you don't want it
hint: A=Z

Good luck!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Comments working!

Hello everyone!
Ok I did say the next one would be longer but sadly this one won't be. I just found out a way to use the internet blogger and now I can check comments and change the poll!

EJ spy school cover

Hello everyone!
The cover of book 5 for spy school is on the official EJ blog right now, here's what it looks like:
Susannah said that the dolphin isn't squirt but I love dolphins so I don't care if it's not squirt.
I'll make the next post longer

Wednesday 23 April 2014

EJ timeline

Hello again!
I made this timeline to show you EJ12 in time!

One thing is spooked might be set in October because:
It's spooky like Halloween 
It came out for Halloween
It was raining a lot and it would be raining in October in London.

Ciao EJ is set in September because Susannah said in an interview on the blog that EJ turns 11 but she didn't write about it

So maybe spooked wasn't set in October? So was it made in London summer, which is still raining sometimes but not as much as storms (when I went anyway)

I'm thinking from memory now, that hot and cold would be set in autumn-winter or winter-spring because the ice was melting more than usual.

I know it's always hot in the amazon for jump start but it would be around spring or autumn because she's swinging around without long sleeved clothing or a jumper for in case. 

I'll continue this all tomorrow

Ej14 maybe

Hi everyone,
On the ej12 official blog there's some questions CF12 asked that the team answered. But I'll talk more about them soon but first look at this question!!!

Why would they out something up if it wasn't more likely than unlikely!!! Yippee the emails worked! Thank you so much guys for sending your things in! This means it will be likely.

Some of the other questions were about EJtv and they said it's been started but will finish in 2016 :/ it does take time. Lots of us would have grown into teenages but I'll still watch probaly. I'll be around 14-15 then.

I'll make another post in at least half an hour with an EJ timeline.

Monday 21 April 2014

Susannah reply

Hi everyone! 
I emailed Susannah the messages and today I got a reply while at school. At school we use iPads and it was lunch so I went to the library and checked my iPad to see the email! Here's the reply:

Hello CL14 and thank you for the email and all your kind words about EJ - I love that girls love reading about her! I have been thinking of whether I should write an EJ14 or EJ16 but I am still not sure: part of me wants to finish the series as Emma and EJ finish primary school but then I wonder how she would go in high school ….aarrrggghh! I’m still not sure!

I also wanted to say that YOUR writing is pretty amazing too - it take a lot of work and discipline to write a long story and all your efforts are certainly paying off - keep up the good work!

Happy reading - and writing!

I guess we shouldn't get our hopes high, but there is a possibility. 

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Code! (Very hard)

Hello people!
Last night I had a sleepover with a friend and we were searching codes on the internet and found one. It was used a year or two ago as a competition. Anyone who figured it out would be interviewed for a job at some soy agency in Britain. My friend and I, after half an hour and searching up hints, found the answer. Here's the code:





Here's a hint: 14 letters

Hope that isn't giving it away. If you attempt to crack this remember, things look different at different angles.

It's an interesting code. The competition is over and you had to be over 18 and a Britain citizen. Did you know there's a 'spy' agency in Australia too! It's called the ASIS. You can be an intelligence officer(spy) and over things. I'll post more about that next time.
CL14 out -

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Susannah comment 02 march

Found this comment from Susannah as a reply to a reader:

I have had quite a few readers ask if there might be an ej14 or ej16 series but I'm still thinking!

This means Susannah is thinking about it and is listening! Maybe she will! Let's hope she does!

Older EJ's friends

Hi ej12 fans!
I was using one of my apps lately and I decided to make what I think EJ's friends would look like if they were older. Still haven't done EJ yet:

Cc12 (Cassie)
Km12 (Katie)
These pictures are pretty much them with longer edited hair. These ARE NOT OFFICAL ej12 pictures. I'll post EJ when I make her. 

By the way iv sent Susannah mcfarlane an email with heaps of messages of people who love ej12 and ideas for a series for older girls. I'm really hoping she will write at least one or two. That would be so cool!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Ciao EJ cover and things

Hello people!
MB pointed out something cool about the ciao EJ cover. There's someone on the bridge!
If you see anything else tell me! The cover might have more secrets!

Onto other things. I'm making an ej12 hot and cold video using paper cut outs! Iv done up to the part where she goes into shine hq. It's looking good but it's to big to email so when I finish it I'll probably put it on youtube and send the ej12 team a link for you guys!

I might post again later

Saturday 12 April 2014

New code breaker

Hello agents!
There's a new code breaker up on the ej12 website. It took me 6 seconds on my first go. I didn't read the whole thing but you'll see what I mean:

This 'game' reminded me of something. I wonder how the ej12 app is going? They said the team was trying to release it before school started. Now it's the next holiday and still no app. Maybe they're making every level before releasing it. 

By the way guys, I was searching things on the internet and I found TWO old ej12 fan blogs. One was ej12news and the other was something like living life as me or something like that. Ej12news was taken down. They only had about five ej12 posts though.

I just had a flashback, how many of you remember the old ej12 website. The one with a pin board and one password for everyone to use to look at VIP stuff. The password was I <3 penguins, that was one if them anyway. The new website is so much better, except I do miss the poster maker.

I might post later, or tomorrow if I have time and find something else interesting. For now, take a look at MB and EF's fan blogs. The links are on the right.

Comments not working

Hi guys!
Just so you know there's some problems going on with blogger on the internet. I'm using the app right now but I can't check comments on the app so until it's fixed you won't see your comments published. I'm not sure why it's not working. Probably just something wrong with google. 

I doubt and hope it's not, the heart bleed bug. It's a super complicated virus. Some websites are effected and you shoudl change your passwords for. It's a terrible virus so I suggest that you learn about it if you don't know about it. Anyway, hope the comments are fixed soon. P.s I sent the ej12 team secret at sea chapters 7-10, so that's the rest of them.

Ciao EJ - date changed!

Hello everyone!
Th ej12 team has just announced that Ciao EJ will be coming out in August, not May! That's ten months since Spooked! I wonder why it's been set back? The finished (I think) cover has been released:
Here is all we know about Ciao EJ:
It's not the last ej12 book (there will only be two more!)
Something BIG happens between Nema and Emma. Just an idea but maybe they become friends but then Nema is just trying to spy for SHADOW
All the girls go OM 
We find out what Eve looks like
The message on the side says -every coin has two sides- (decoded by MB14)

There's more but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Maybe Ciao EJ is coming out in such a long time because of:
1. Book problems (editing, publishing)
2. To space out the time until ej12 ends (the last book will come out in 2015/2016 (2017 if something crazy happens)
3. She has to re write things for some reason

That's just guesses. What do you think is the reason behind EJ12 ending? It will end at 20 books. Maybe we can change Susannah's mind, even if it seems impossible. Comment with any messages to Susannah!


Monday 7 April 2014


Ello everyone!
Have you guys had a good start to the holidays? Mines been ok, I had two vaccinations that I need because I'm at that age. One really stung but the other just felt like a sharp poke. Anyway, into happier topics.

Secret at sea next chapters has been posted on the EJ blog. Hope you guys enjoy it!

This post will be a bit small. This month EJ spy school 3-4 comes out. I'll get it, mainly for the pictures. Will you guys read it?

Saturday 5 April 2014

I'm back!

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Iv been busy with school and I went to Seaworld again today. The dolphin show is always changing! The first time it started with this guy named Chi riding a dolphin but today it started with a lady called Mandy riding two dolphins in a way. Anyway it's always really cool.

Now that holidays have started I'll be blogging more. I'm really obsessed with sea animals again. At Seaworld we saw almost everything! I remember there was this one sting ray that would always flap at the sides.

What have you guys been up to or are going to do? I'm starting my second ej12 fan story and I'll post the next chapter soon. Sorry this post is short.
