Monday 21 April 2014

Susannah reply

Hi everyone! 
I emailed Susannah the messages and today I got a reply while at school. At school we use iPads and it was lunch so I went to the library and checked my iPad to see the email! Here's the reply:

Hello CL14 and thank you for the email and all your kind words about EJ - I love that girls love reading about her! I have been thinking of whether I should write an EJ14 or EJ16 but I am still not sure: part of me wants to finish the series as Emma and EJ finish primary school but then I wonder how she would go in high school ….aarrrggghh! I’m still not sure!

I also wanted to say that YOUR writing is pretty amazing too - it take a lot of work and discipline to write a long story and all your efforts are certainly paying off - keep up the good work!

Happy reading - and writing!

I guess we shouldn't get our hopes high, but there is a possibility. 

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