Friday 25 April 2014

EJ spy school books 3-4

Hello everyone!
I got EJ spy school books 3-4 today, even if I'm WAY to old for it. Here's my books:
Yes that is a Nema cutout on my desk. I'm making hot and cold with paper cutouts. It's no way close to done, but it's up to eleven minutes.

In secret spy it shows you what agent IQ400 looks like. She looks good for a drawing, black curly hair (small version of an Afro). Anyway it also shows you the science and invention division room! Yay! It's pretty good book for a five minute read for me. Deep water looks really cool, I wonder what book 6 will be? So far she's found out about shine, done a race with climbing gear, learned about spy tools (and hover boards!) and learned how to look after animals. Book 5 is underwater and there's going to be 12 books.

By the way I'm busy making my own newsletter thing I'll put on the blog every month or two. I'm trying to find one more news thing to fill the second page. It's only two pages and I'll post it as pictures for you.

I'm trying to think of other things to say... Here I'll take a picture of IQ400 for you so you can see her and A1. 
That's IQ400 in the science lab picture. Are you going to get spy school? Have you already got spy school?

Also in my newsletter thing I'm thinking of interviewing someone who likes ej12. I'll interview whoever is the first to crack this code:

I'll give a hint but skip it if you don't want it
hint: A=Z

Good luck!

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