Saturday 12 April 2014

Ciao EJ - date changed!

Hello everyone!
Th ej12 team has just announced that Ciao EJ will be coming out in August, not May! That's ten months since Spooked! I wonder why it's been set back? The finished (I think) cover has been released:
Here is all we know about Ciao EJ:
It's not the last ej12 book (there will only be two more!)
Something BIG happens between Nema and Emma. Just an idea but maybe they become friends but then Nema is just trying to spy for SHADOW
All the girls go OM 
We find out what Eve looks like
The message on the side says -every coin has two sides- (decoded by MB14)

There's more but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Maybe Ciao EJ is coming out in such a long time because of:
1. Book problems (editing, publishing)
2. To space out the time until ej12 ends (the last book will come out in 2015/2016 (2017 if something crazy happens)
3. She has to re write things for some reason

That's just guesses. What do you think is the reason behind EJ12 ending? It will end at 20 books. Maybe we can change Susannah's mind, even if it seems impossible. Comment with any messages to Susannah!


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