Saturday 30 August 2014

Sorry I haven't updated much!

I haven't abandoned the blog but iv been busy with assesment and writing the next blog post for the blog which is going to be the 100th post! So I'm making it special ;)
For this special event I have a competition that can be entered until the 15th of September. It's a write a story/blurb comp!

Write a short ej12/ej10/EJ anything story 
Write a blurb for an ej12 book
Write part of an ej12 story

Remember not to copy the other ej12 books! Write it however you like but comment it on THIS post below.

Also did any of you dress up for book character day? I'm in middle school now so we don't do it anymore :(


Friday 15 August 2014

Competition updates

Hi everyone,
For my mini comp I'm getting confused with people's answers and points iv given so I'm just going to give anyone who entered points and fix up the chart. So if you see your have less points it was for a reason. Now to tell you the answer which was the:
Rope charm! 
Emma has a glow rope charm, not a rope charm. Many other agents have a rope charm like IJ in Christmas countdown and KM and CC in on the ball. Here's the next one giving anyone who gets it right 10 points:
1. I am a truth charm (sort of)
2. 7 letters

On the official ej12 website a new competition is up for designing a charm and getting your name in book 19. Also the winners of a previous comp have been announced on the official blog.

More soon

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Short post

Hey agents,

First up, so far with the 3 round competition only HH14 has entered. The question for round 1 is:
What country does Emma live in?

Also for the other mini comp it has 4 letters. 

I'll update again soon

Expanding on news

Hi guys,
This post will be about everything we learnt from the chat with Susannah. 

I know I said I wasn't going to be at the chat but I ended up going because I couldn't go to the party. 

~~ Book 19 ~~
Thinsg we know:
Each of Emma's friends will play an instrament
There will be an orchestra 

~~ Book 20 ~~
Will probally be set in Sweden

~~ Other ~~
There will most likely be 22 ej12 books, not just 20 :)

With the orcastra I think at school she will be in the school orcastra or band as lost of schools have. Also, the instraments Emma's friends use will be related to their personalities. 
Isi might be saxaphone
Elle might be harp
Hannah might be cello

What do you guys think Eve and Emma will be? 
Competition time!
I did make a competition a few posts back whichever can still be entered but here's a new one. This one will have three rounds and every entrant will win ten shining star points from the first round.
Each round will be a question and as soon as at least four agents enter, round twos question will go up so enter fast! 

Round one, for ten points:

What country does Emma live in?

Easy for the first question. They will get harder. Round three winner will win being mentioned on my blog and getting points. So please enter by commenting below. Remember that whichever agent has the most points at the end of the year win a certificate made by me that will be posted on my blog and anyone else will be mentioned.


Friday 8 August 2014

Agente radical

I know iv posted ALOT today but I couldn't help myself with this information.

I found out that there's a portugese version of ej12 called: EJ12 Agente Radical
Here's a few pictures:

So in that series the art is different. For some reason I can only find out things about the portugese versions of what I'm guessing is jump start and Choc shock. Here's the two blurbs once translated on google translate:

Emma Jacks walks very worried. The state gymnastics competition nears and your heels do not go at all well. The problem may be precisely overthink. His great friend Hannah is always saying that Emma should have more confidence and not brood over your thoughts so much. Luckily, an alert from free agency BRIGHT Emma of his affliction. It's time to assume the identity of Agent EJ12 and starting on a new mission. This time, his target is the rainforest, where the organization works in sinister SHADOW Project Green Eye. The villains want to build a giant parabolic antenna in the middle of the forest, to improve its communications network. And beyond the danger this represents, this work will cause enormous environmental damage. EJ12 needs to take if you want to avoid this double disaster ... and still need to find a way to qualify for the gymnastics competition. Adventure! Secrets! Friendship! Exotic places! More secrets! All this you will find the stories of EJ12. After all, saving the world is a thing of

Emma had the brightest idea of ​​your life! When I heard of the fire at the animal shelter, she proposed to the Community Service committee of school to help the institution in trouble. So the Day of the Lovers of Chocolate was born: a fair to sell chocolate goodies! This was the perfect way to make the two most important things for Emma: eating chocolate and help animals. Meanwhile, the SHADOW has another sinister plan involving the famous contest Choc Chef Junior, promoted by a famous baker. But to find out what the organization is up to, EJ12 will have to enter the competition ... and get to the grand final! But taste chocolate delights is one thing, doing them is quite another. Will EJ12 has culinary talent for both? And will she be able to stop another evil of SHADOW? Come unravel this mystery sweet! Adventure! Secrets! Friendship! Exotic places! More secrets! All this you find in stories ej 12 After all, saving the world is a girl thing!



Chat summed up

Hello everyone,
We learnt some new things about ej12 with the chat with Susannah.

1. There will probally (big chance) that there will be 22 ej12 books  not 20!
2. In false note there will be an orcastra and each of the shine stars will play an instrament
Susannah's ideas so far:
Isi on saxaphone
Hannah on cello
Elle on harp
3. Book 20 will probaly be set in Sweden

More tomorrow 

Book 20

Book 20 will probally be set in Sweden

Facebook chat minute updates

I'll update short updates on what's going on

In false note there will be an orchestra
Each of Emma and her friends will play an instrament 
Isi on saxaphone, Hannah on cello and Elle on harp
There will probally be 22 ej12 books!!!!

Δ Stuff Δ

Hello everyone,
Today's post will be about a few random ej12 things I think of as I write :)

First of all, I was look at old ej12 pictures of google images and came across one from when MB (I think it was MB) sent Susannah a penguin she made and a letter. Sussanah then posted a picture of it on her table below:

The first time I saw it I thought not much of it, but now looking back at it, I wonder. At the back we can see all the ej12 books against the wall with the test there aswell. But I noticed something, behind the test there's more books, not gift boxes, books. Could those be the drafts for the next ej12 books? Maybe? Or another series of Susannah or just some other books. The last viewable book is spooked. What do you guys think?

Also, I'll update probaly after the interview on Facebook with Susannah. 

Competition time!
Another chance to win 'shining star' points! Remember that the shining star points idea is from ej12 so I didn't invent it. Rights for that (if there is) goes to Susannah. 

This competition is a 
Guεss τhΔτ Charm! Competition. I did fancy writing for fun ;)
So here's the three clues:
1. Ej12 doesn't have me
2. My charm looks like one of EJ's but doesn't do a feature hers does
3. Many agents own me
What charm am I?

First 3 agents to comment with the right answer win! 
1st agent wins 30 
2nd agent wins 20
3rd agent wins 10
Anyone else wins 5 (as long as they answered before I gave out the answer)



Sorry I haven't been posting! It's mid term so iv got heaps of assessments and tests on now along with homework so I haven't and time... But now I do!

First up, tomorrow at 2:30pm (from memory, check ej12 official blog) is going to be a live chat with Susannah Mcfarlane on Facebook. Most of us don't have facebook since you MUST be over 13 to have it. I sadly won't be on because I have a friends birthday party to go to and also I don't have facebook even tho I'm old enough... 
I'll probably check later to see what everyone said. If I could ask Susannah one thing it would be:
Is there any spoilers you can tell us about book 19?
Anyone else feel free to ask her that for me ;) if your aloud on Facebook, don't make fake acounts. 

That's all for now, I'll try and update again soon I promise! I might tomorrow after I get back from the party and see what Susannah said and post about anything interesting.