Tuesday 12 August 2014

Expanding on news

Hi guys,
This post will be about everything we learnt from the chat with Susannah. 

I know I said I wasn't going to be at the chat but I ended up going because I couldn't go to the party. 

~~ Book 19 ~~
Thinsg we know:
Each of Emma's friends will play an instrament
There will be an orchestra 

~~ Book 20 ~~
Will probally be set in Sweden

~~ Other ~~
There will most likely be 22 ej12 books, not just 20 :)

With the orcastra I think at school she will be in the school orcastra or band as lost of schools have. Also, the instraments Emma's friends use will be related to their personalities. 
Isi might be saxaphone
Elle might be harp
Hannah might be cello

What do you guys think Eve and Emma will be? 
Competition time!
I did make a competition a few posts back whichever can still be entered but here's a new one. This one will have three rounds and every entrant will win ten shining star points from the first round.
Each round will be a question and as soon as at least four agents enter, round twos question will go up so enter fast! 

Round one, for ten points:

What country does Emma live in?

Easy for the first question. They will get harder. Round three winner will win being mentioned on my blog and getting points. So please enter by commenting below. Remember that whichever agent has the most points at the end of the year win a certificate made by me that will be posted on my blog and anyone else will be mentioned.



  1. Hi! Can't wait for False Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. BTW on your list of books its Puppy Alert not Puppy Love.
