Friday 8 August 2014

Δ Stuff Δ

Hello everyone,
Today's post will be about a few random ej12 things I think of as I write :)

First of all, I was look at old ej12 pictures of google images and came across one from when MB (I think it was MB) sent Susannah a penguin she made and a letter. Sussanah then posted a picture of it on her table below:

The first time I saw it I thought not much of it, but now looking back at it, I wonder. At the back we can see all the ej12 books against the wall with the test there aswell. But I noticed something, behind the test there's more books, not gift boxes, books. Could those be the drafts for the next ej12 books? Maybe? Or another series of Susannah or just some other books. The last viewable book is spooked. What do you guys think?

Also, I'll update probaly after the interview on Facebook with Susannah. 

Competition time!
Another chance to win 'shining star' points! Remember that the shining star points idea is from ej12 so I didn't invent it. Rights for that (if there is) goes to Susannah. 

This competition is a 
Guεss τhΔτ Charm! Competition. I did fancy writing for fun ;)
So here's the three clues:
1. Ej12 doesn't have me
2. My charm looks like one of EJ's but doesn't do a feature hers does
3. Many agents own me
What charm am I?

First 3 agents to comment with the right answer win! 
1st agent wins 30 
2nd agent wins 20
3rd agent wins 10
Anyone else wins 5 (as long as they answered before I gave out the answer)



  1. Sorry but I'm a bit confused. How many letters does it have???

  2. Please say how many letters it has ;) :( :?
