Friday 15 August 2014

Competition updates

Hi everyone,
For my mini comp I'm getting confused with people's answers and points iv given so I'm just going to give anyone who entered points and fix up the chart. So if you see your have less points it was for a reason. Now to tell you the answer which was the:
Rope charm! 
Emma has a glow rope charm, not a rope charm. Many other agents have a rope charm like IJ in Christmas countdown and KM and CC in on the ball. Here's the next one giving anyone who gets it right 10 points:
1. I am a truth charm (sort of)
2. 7 letters

On the official ej12 website a new competition is up for designing a charm and getting your name in book 19. Also the winners of a previous comp have been announced on the official blog.

More soon


  1. Lipstick charm???

    1. That's not it but your on the right track ;)

  2. Have you read Secret Breakers??? It contains the mysterious Voynich manuscript a.k.a. MS 408.

  3. Hey everybody. This is HH14 :)

  4. 1. Lipstick charm
    2. ?
