Tuesday 12 August 2014

Short post

Hey agents,

First up, so far with the 3 round competition only HH14 has entered. The question for round 1 is:
What country does Emma live in?

Also for the other mini comp it has 4 letters. 

I'll update again soon


  1. Star??? I'm just guessing. It will probably be wrong though. For Guess That CHARM.

  2. That's not it but you've got the right idea. Think of these books:
    In the dark
    Christmas countdown
    On the ball

  3. CIAO EJ! comp winners have been announced. New agents only comp is up.

  4. dog whistle?
    from MB

  5. Win your agent name in Book 19!
    Invent a Spy CHARM and it and you could be in an EJ12 Girl Hero Story!
    Susannah has told us that Book 19 will be set around music and an orchestra. Tell us what CHARM you would invent for this mission!
    30 September 2014
