Sunday 28 September 2014

Animal Agents | From Books

Hello readers!
As the title says this post will be about the animal agents in ej12 books.
First up is my favourite... inky!
I love cats and kittens so obviously I love inky. Any cat lovers out there? I have a cat myself, Misty who is 4 years old.

In ej12 the animals range from cats and dogs to bunnys and cheetahs. Which is your favourite. I find the bunny's from Choc shock cute and obviously I like inky. On the cover for Hide and Peak (EJ soy school) there are 3 mice. Also I LOVE dolphins so naturally I enjoyed making waves.

The dogs in the books are pretty cool too. 
The ones from on the ball are really well trained, how cute is blacked? What's some animals not yet in the series you think would be good? I can think of:
- Bird
- Guinea Pig
- Owl (owl handlers keep owls...)

What are some animals you like that I haven't mentioned? 

Also from some other bloggers and I:
The copying is STILL going on, a lot. If you look on our blogs, most of us have a DO NOT COPY sign somewhere or a message saying not to. We have our own original ideas we don't enjoy others using them with out permission. Just ask us first, ok? Like if you wanted to copy a competition that we have just ask, because most of us actually go and check other blogs. I certainly do, so I do see what you do 


But I do really like you guys blogs! There's so much I could say about everyones blogs but that would take up a whole post or three! Go check out other blogs by looking at the bar on the side.


P.s remember to help my friend and I with our fan book we are writing, check out the post below for details!

Saturday 27 September 2014

New FAN story

So as some of you know, I like to write ej12 fan stories. Iv done 2 so far, Secet at Sea and Southbank Speed. And now I'm writing another one! But this time I'm doing it with a friend! My friend (SB14) and I are going to co-write it and see how it goes. 

All we know so far about it is:
- It will be when Emma is 13 so EJ14 
- There will be two characters added (Nayan and Anna) who are either friends or distant cousins
- it will be set in England and France (we know there is ej12 books there already but still)
- the animals will be a puppy and a kitten

But this is where YOU come in
We are holding two mini competitions where you:

design a charm that will help on a mission 
If we chose your charm you will have your agent name in the book and be in whatever division your chose
20 Shining Star BLOG Points 
5 for entering

Create a message for a heart charm
Best one wins your agent name in the book in whatever division you like
20 shine star BLOG points
5 for entering
      *We may not end up using the winners message

So what are you waiting for! No date set yet, but comment it soon!
Also Nayan and Anna are based of SB and me
Anna : blonde hair, brown eyes
Nayan : Brown curly hair, green eyes

See ya!

Friday 26 September 2014

Hide and peak

Hello EJ12 agents!
I was looking at the hide and peak cover and I noticed something new:
On Emma's arm she's holding a mouse! At least I think it's a mouse. There's also one on the Christmas tree and on the blue present. Three blind mice comes to mind but thast just a song... Can't believe I didn't see that earlier. 

| That's | All | For | Now

EJ TV and Message from bloggers

Hello agents,
This post is going to be about the ej12 tv show (coming 2016/17) and a message from bloggers

Let's start with the message from bloggers
There's been a lot of new blogs coming up in the last few months and some bloggers (new and old) have been disappointed to see some unoriginal copying. It's been going on for a while now and some of us feel like we are being ripped off. Not just me, other bloggers too who's names will remain unknown. But you guys know who you are. We aren't being mean, we are just asking that you don't copy our work and ideas which we know are hard to think up. But please, do continue blogging. I honestly check all the blogs I know of at least every two days and I LOVE them. That's all I have to say on that.

EJ12 tv!

I'm super excited for the show, are you? The team has said that it takes a while to make 26 episodes so that at least gives us a number, for season 1 anyway. I do hope there will be more than 1 season. Also how cool would a movie be? Imagine a movie for each book, that would be cool!  But it will be weird hearing our book characters speak, sing we all have imagined diferent voices for them. 

That's <> All <> For <> Now 
<> CL14 <>

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Competition winners and other

The competition winners were:

Your 10 shining star points have been added! Anyone who's new to my blog let me quickly explain the star points again.

First, shining star points is used in EJ12 which is copyrighted to Susannah so I didn't invent it. Iv just added to to my blog in my OWN way to have for fun. At around Christmas (not that far actually) the agent with the highest amount of shining star points will win an online certificate il put up and be added to a bar I will have called Shining Star Winners, or something like that. Also there will be winners every Christmas and Mid year about. At the moment HH14 is in the lead but there is still more competitions to win! Everyone else with points will be mentioned.

So here's the next competition which will end on the 5th of October so you have about a week or so to enter. 

Create a code of a name of any ej12 book. But make sure it's decodable. I will then choose the best and most interesting codes and those agents will win shining star points. Every who enters will gain at least 10.

One last thing, to anyone in victoria I saw this thing in the ej12 website:
That's all for now!

Quick Info

Hey readers, (updates of questions below)
Just quickly to some agents with blogs who were asking me how to add things let me quickly explain.
You start by going onto layout (im on iPad by the way)
Click add a gadget on the right side. It will then come up with a list:
Then scroll down the list and find what you want. Poll is down a bit. Also the computer version isn't that different. 
Hope that helps you

To AK10, im not sure if blogger does that. Under gadgets and more gadgets on the left theres something about signing up but I'm not sure how it works....

P.s any other blogger blog question I can help you with as my mum has taught me a lot about blogger ;)

Tuesday 23 September 2014

EJ12 Fan Blogs

Heya EJ12 Fans,
This post (101) is going to be about some of the other ej12 fan blogs out there! There's a list on the right side of my blog with fan blogs, feel free to comment yoru if it's not on the list and you have one that's EJ12 related. Let's start with the list of blogs:






So apart from mine there are now FIVE other ej12 fan blogs to visit, so do visit them sometime. 
Posting again soon but for now here's another quick competition!
Answer this question for 10 points to the first three. I won't post your comment if correct as not to give it away.


Good luck!

Sunday 21 September 2014

100th Post!!!!

- Party music plays -

Welcome to the 100th post on my blog! 

First up, I don't have much new news other than anyone living in Melbourne shoudk go see Susannah at a library or bookshop place. Check out the official EJ12 blog for details.

Second, I made this to celebrate this occasion:
I used an all called FaceQ HD, it's free and makes avatar people. 

Third, iv taken a look at the poll which will be changed soon and I think everyone who voted chose good answers.
Everyone said Bravery, which is good, and no one said meanness (is that even a word) and that's also good. Four people selected fears as something an agent should have and I agree. Fears can motivate us and sometimes conquering them make us more motivated to do something. I used to have a fear of those huge water slides at wet and wild (still do, but conquered some of it) but I wanted to go on mamoth falls with my friends, which isn't that scary actually. So I decided to try it. For anyone who doenst know, wet and wild is a theme park on the Gold Coast in QLD and my school takes us there from grade 7-9 on the last day. Mamoth falls is a huge wide slide that you go down on a raft about two metres in a circle. You go on with a little group and the assistant person spins it to get it down. 

Anyway, when I went I asked the lady if she can make sure I don't go down backwards (because I didn't think that would help for my first time) and she said she would try. Guess what, I went backwards. But it actually helped and made it more enjoyable. 

So anyway, I think fears do help us have fun as well. And being argumentative might help if your talking to the bad guy on a mission.

That's all for now and I'll try and update again soon. It's now holidays so I might be able to. But then there's writers block... 

CL14 out-

Monday 8 September 2014



This post is dedicated to Emma jacks because it's her birthday today!
Also I'm going to try and figure out some other things

First of all:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Emma!
Happy birthday to you

Ej12 started in 2009 (from memory) and it's now 2014. If she was 10 in 2009,  That means that ej12 would be turning 15! But the books don't go logically so she's still eleven. 

I will be posting my 200th post special soon, just been having assessments and writers block.
See ya!