Friday 26 September 2014

EJ TV and Message from bloggers

Hello agents,
This post is going to be about the ej12 tv show (coming 2016/17) and a message from bloggers

Let's start with the message from bloggers
There's been a lot of new blogs coming up in the last few months and some bloggers (new and old) have been disappointed to see some unoriginal copying. It's been going on for a while now and some of us feel like we are being ripped off. Not just me, other bloggers too who's names will remain unknown. But you guys know who you are. We aren't being mean, we are just asking that you don't copy our work and ideas which we know are hard to think up. But please, do continue blogging. I honestly check all the blogs I know of at least every two days and I LOVE them. That's all I have to say on that.

EJ12 tv!

I'm super excited for the show, are you? The team has said that it takes a while to make 26 episodes so that at least gives us a number, for season 1 anyway. I do hope there will be more than 1 season. Also how cool would a movie be? Imagine a movie for each book, that would be cool!  But it will be weird hearing our book characters speak, sing we all have imagined diferent voices for them. 

That's <> All <> For <> Now 
<> CL14 <>

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