Sunday 21 September 2014

100th Post!!!!

- Party music plays -

Welcome to the 100th post on my blog! 

First up, I don't have much new news other than anyone living in Melbourne shoudk go see Susannah at a library or bookshop place. Check out the official EJ12 blog for details.

Second, I made this to celebrate this occasion:
I used an all called FaceQ HD, it's free and makes avatar people. 

Third, iv taken a look at the poll which will be changed soon and I think everyone who voted chose good answers.
Everyone said Bravery, which is good, and no one said meanness (is that even a word) and that's also good. Four people selected fears as something an agent should have and I agree. Fears can motivate us and sometimes conquering them make us more motivated to do something. I used to have a fear of those huge water slides at wet and wild (still do, but conquered some of it) but I wanted to go on mamoth falls with my friends, which isn't that scary actually. So I decided to try it. For anyone who doenst know, wet and wild is a theme park on the Gold Coast in QLD and my school takes us there from grade 7-9 on the last day. Mamoth falls is a huge wide slide that you go down on a raft about two metres in a circle. You go on with a little group and the assistant person spins it to get it down. 

Anyway, when I went I asked the lady if she can make sure I don't go down backwards (because I didn't think that would help for my first time) and she said she would try. Guess what, I went backwards. But it actually helped and made it more enjoyable. 

So anyway, I think fears do help us have fun as well. And being argumentative might help if your talking to the bad guy on a mission.

That's all for now and I'll try and update again soon. It's now holidays so I might be able to. But then there's writers block... 

CL14 out-

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