Sunday 28 September 2014

Animal Agents | From Books

Hello readers!
As the title says this post will be about the animal agents in ej12 books.
First up is my favourite... inky!
I love cats and kittens so obviously I love inky. Any cat lovers out there? I have a cat myself, Misty who is 4 years old.

In ej12 the animals range from cats and dogs to bunnys and cheetahs. Which is your favourite. I find the bunny's from Choc shock cute and obviously I like inky. On the cover for Hide and Peak (EJ soy school) there are 3 mice. Also I LOVE dolphins so naturally I enjoyed making waves.

The dogs in the books are pretty cool too. 
The ones from on the ball are really well trained, how cute is blacked? What's some animals not yet in the series you think would be good? I can think of:
- Bird
- Guinea Pig
- Owl (owl handlers keep owls...)

What are some animals you like that I haven't mentioned? 

Also from some other bloggers and I:
The copying is STILL going on, a lot. If you look on our blogs, most of us have a DO NOT COPY sign somewhere or a message saying not to. We have our own original ideas we don't enjoy others using them with out permission. Just ask us first, ok? Like if you wanted to copy a competition that we have just ask, because most of us actually go and check other blogs. I certainly do, so I do see what you do 


But I do really like you guys blogs! There's so much I could say about everyones blogs but that would take up a whole post or three! Go check out other blogs by looking at the bar on the side.


P.s remember to help my friend and I with our fan book we are writing, check out the post below for details!

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