Thursday 2 October 2014

Spied Out | MB14 Fan Book review

Spied Out! Review
Sorry, I couldn't find the cover but I might add it later if I can.

Spied out is a fan book written by MB14 and is a pretty good one too! It's written accurately like a real ej12 book and the mission is like what would happen in a reall ej12 book too! Ej12 goes to America in it. My favourite part was when they were trying to figure out what was going on, as they kept being taken away. Also at the end (I won't give it away) Nema does something that is actually similar to Ciao Ej, but this was written before it so well done MB! It's a great fan book and I hope you can all find it online somewhere.

P.s I'll make a longer post later


  1. Thanks for posting my book review!

  2. Hey there! I've read MB14's fan book, and I think it's fantastic! And I hope that MB's work is being made into a real EJ12 book!

  3. Thanks! Did u read it from my blog?

    1. No. I read it from the EJ12 Girl Hero website blog. :-)
