Saturday 4 October 2014

EJTV ideas

Hello agents,
This post is about the coming EJTV show. 

As we know, it takes a long time to make heaps of episodes (26) and when I asked what year the team said it would be out in 2016-17 I'll be CL16/18 then... Wonder if I'll still be blogging.

Anyway, what do you guys want on the tv show.
We know that it will have the characters from EJ12 books at least, but what else?
Shine and shadow obviously, we will get to hear them speak. Hearing book characters speak might be a little weird. 

Lots of agents (myself included) are realy hoping for a film of each book. That would mean 22 about movies. They might not do that many. Movie series today don't often do many. I know ones that are 8 films but not many that are around 20 even... Except all those 50+ barbie films.

What are you looking forward to with the tv show? 

Also with a bit of the fan book writing update:
SB and I have agreed that in our fan story Nayan is Emma's cousin and Anna is Nayan's friend.
On my one the mystery is that shadow is on Bondi Beach and are spotted using metal detectors on the beach. This may seem normal, but shadow seems looking for something specific. KM and EJ are sent from beach to beach on shine surfboard chasing shadow agents, swimming away from them and so on. 
Pic from it:

Thats all for now!

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