Saturday 4 October 2014

Ej12 divisions

In ej12 as you know there are different agent divisions. Emma is in code cracking and so on. I think I'd be in code cracking myself, because I love making and cracking codes. 

What divisions do you think shine should have or might have that isn't in the books? I thought of one earlier, while walking on the beach (sort of a beach, not huge and no lifesavers but still, there was sand and an ocean). What about a division that knows how to and makes medicine and that sort of thing? A medicine divisions, help division? I don't know what it would be called, but it's an idea.

What do you think is missing?

Also to AK10, when I make covers I use an app called brushes on my iPad and do a lot of erasing and replacing... But now the apps being silly because of ios8
Short post, I know

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