Saturday 11 October 2014


Hello Ej12 fans,
Iv got no real topic for this post so I'll see how I go

Today at the shops I was in the bookstore and there was this girl about 8-10 looking at books with her mum and she went to the ej12 ones and said to her mum "I really lover ej12." And she went on about what's it about and that she wants it for Christmas and I was just listening, thinking how I was sort of like that. But I couldn't say anything because she was younger than me.

Also to ES8 and anyone else who was wondering, you just send in your competition entries in the comments whcih im explaining now...

If you comment on my blog and what to put your name in use the drop down menu thing and select name/URL
Then just put in yoru agent name for name and leave the URL blank
At least I think that's what you do
Or you can just go anonymous and put your agent name at the end.

That's all for now

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