Sunday 5 October 2014

Random things

Hi agents,
This post is just about some random things I think up of as I go.
Also HH14 found the new gadget (thing) added to my blog. It's the fish! Right down the bottom of the page there's five fish swimming around and if you click it releases fish food. The fish will go and eat these and then follow your mouse around in the rectangle. Note: it's only usable on the computer.

Thought I would add that since its summer time ;)

Also a bit of an update on Shining Stars 

HH14 is winning at the moment, coming first with 95 points 
Second is MB4 with 60 points 
Then it's EF14 on 20 and AK10 tying with EF with also 20 points. Remember that sometimes around Christmas the winner will be announced and given an online certificate. HH14 is in a big lead but there's still more competitions to come! Stay tuned on that ;)

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