Thursday 2 October 2014

Layout Change complete | Stuff

Hello readers,
I think Iv finished changing the layout and some things. Iv also added something new which you need to be on a computer to find, 5 points if you find it ;) it's not that hard and it's on all the pages.

Also the font for the tabs is called sunshiney or something so I had to chose it of course. Do you like all the new fonts? Also at Christmas time im going to be changing the blog a bit, I'm sure you can guess how. 

I'm also writing another ej12 fan book (im writing 3 at the moment)
1. EJ14, co-writing it with SB14
2. Agents of Shine, Midnight Mission. It's about NJ14 and AB14
3. Ej12 story, before Ciao EJ and with KM12 

My third one, which is a EJ12 story set before Ciao Ej, is (not giving away to much) going to be at a beach and I need help! What should I call it and any charm ideas?
So far I only have a surfboard charm, Snorkle charm and I need a message for the heart charm too...
Tell me if you have any ideas for the last charm?
Also what should It be called, here's the cover so far:
I know it's so much like making waves but it works for the story. Also the bottle EJ is holding is related...
Give me any ideas of you like


  1. Beach blitz or something? What's the moral of the story like or the problem. From MB

  2. How do you make such good covers?
