Friday 23 January 2015

Ej12 tv show (nothing new)

Hello shining stars,
As the title says this post is centred around the ej12 tv show, which we haven't talked about for a little while. 

First off, I found this online:
It is 2 0 1 5 now so that means we've just got 1-2 years until the show, if that is correct^

This tells us that there will be 26 episodes (already knew that) and they will be 30 minutes long (we guessed that). 

But what do you think will happen in the episodes? I'm guessing every episode (maybe) will have part of it as emma and half of a mission. Something like that perhaps. 
Also the cool thing with the tv show is we get to see heaps of characters, because if you think about it we will probally/obviously see:

Elle (maybe I'm not sure)
Emma's teachers (Ms Tenga, black, sipes...)
Agents like CO45 and so on...
Shadow agents like Adriana, Caterina, Amber and more... (Possibly new ones too)
Plus way more bakcground people and so on
Also they'll all have voices

So what do you think about the ej12 girk hero tv show that's coming? I know I will be watching it even if I'm 15/16 I think... (Wow I'm almost that age already?) 

What do you want to see on the show?

Thursday 15 January 2015

Cover Changes

Heya shine agents,
This post is mainly about the new cover ideas, read on to understand.

First up, on the ej12 official blog the team has stated that since it' been five years since the first ej12 book came out, which now that I'm thinking about it I thought it was longer, they're going to be making new covers for the ej12 books.


My opinion: I get what they're saying with changing them, especially since we've only got another 2-3 years of ej12. But the part that's confusing us mostly is if the new covers would be the only option. For example, if they made new covers before the book after false note (comes out in less than 45 days) would the new cover be the only option? Would all the (3ish) books after False Note have the new cover and not the old one? Because me (being a perfectionist with book shelves lol) would want to have them all in one cover style, you get what I mean? 


What do you guys think? How would you change the covers?

I suggested making the covers show scenes from the books, for example for making waves EJ could be swimming with squirt and on the emma side she would be on a diving block? 
I personally also like the emma and EJ halves of the cover.

That's all for now

Friday 9 January 2015

False note sneak peak coming!

Heya everyone,
A false note sneak peak is going to be on the official ej12 blog next week! Can't wait!
Also a random picture/GIF(if it will work) is below for no real reason:

Wednesday 7 January 2015

1st comp winner and random stuff

Hello Ej fans,
So first up, I haven't really got much entries for the comp... Okay only one but it's actually a really good one. And that's HH14's entry of SHADOW. I actually wasn't thinking of that answer but that's actually really good. I still have one spot available so just answer the question in the last post. I'll give you a hint, it's more colourful than a shadow. That's all I'll say on that. 

So I was bored and decide to make an ej12 collage so I made this one:
I edited Eve myself into the best I could get to Yellow... I'll probally end up re doing it. I've made the ring half visible which I think looks cool over the top, also I've matched the petal colours to the agents.

Yeah short post I know, I'll try and make a longer one soon. 
< CL14 />

Friday 2 January 2015

Fire Frenzy Fan Book Comp (my fan story)

Hello Ej12 fans,

I have started writing a new ej12 fan story called Fire Frenzy which can be found at or in the link on the right --->
I'll be sending it to the ej12 team when I've finished the cover. 

But in the story I am going to have two agent spots available... For who could be you!
You just have to come up with a good answer to a question down the bottom. 

But the agent divisions will be:
One agents will be science and invention 
The other one can be either science and invention/ animal OR Surveilence 
When you comment the answer say what division you'd want to be in

The riddle/question is:
The closer you come
The farther I go
The lighter it gets
The more I fade
What am I?

Hope that's not too hard, I only know once answer but there may be more. The bolded parts are hints sort of...
If no one knows the answer by the 5th then I'll do a new question.

Thursday 1 January 2015


HAPPY 2015!!!
Yeah I'm a day late whatever
So 2014 is gone and 2015 has come finally. I'll probally still be writing 2014 on my books for dates for at least three months and crossing out the 4 and making a 5. 

First up,
3-4ish months till False Note! Yay it's closer now. 
1-2 years left till the ej12 tv show! 

Also something else
This year my agent name will be changing to CL16, wow that makes me sound old ;)
But that's not for half the year so I'm still CL14 for now. That means people like MB14 will become MB16, maybe the same with some of you people reading. I just used MB, if your reading this, as an example because you've told me... Anyway. 
That's going to be weird.

Competition wise there has been two entries for both the charm and charm message comps, no story entries yet. They can be as long as you like and I was thinking if the entrants want me too I will put it up on which is for fan books to be displayed (with author permission). So far there's the first 1-2 chapters of Secret at Sea and the whole of Spied Out by MB14 so go read and comment on those!

Also I've been writing a new EJ12 fan story set at Bondi Beach but it's going slowly so it won't be up for a while. 

Anyway that's all for this post, see you again soon! (Thinking of doing another interview with someone...)