Wednesday 7 January 2015

1st comp winner and random stuff

Hello Ej fans,
So first up, I haven't really got much entries for the comp... Okay only one but it's actually a really good one. And that's HH14's entry of SHADOW. I actually wasn't thinking of that answer but that's actually really good. I still have one spot available so just answer the question in the last post. I'll give you a hint, it's more colourful than a shadow. That's all I'll say on that. 

So I was bored and decide to make an ej12 collage so I made this one:
I edited Eve myself into the best I could get to Yellow... I'll probally end up re doing it. I've made the ring half visible which I think looks cool over the top, also I've matched the petal colours to the agents.

Yeah short post I know, I'll try and make a longer one soon. 
< CL14 />

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