Thursday 1 January 2015


HAPPY 2015!!!
Yeah I'm a day late whatever
So 2014 is gone and 2015 has come finally. I'll probally still be writing 2014 on my books for dates for at least three months and crossing out the 4 and making a 5. 

First up,
3-4ish months till False Note! Yay it's closer now. 
1-2 years left till the ej12 tv show! 

Also something else
This year my agent name will be changing to CL16, wow that makes me sound old ;)
But that's not for half the year so I'm still CL14 for now. That means people like MB14 will become MB16, maybe the same with some of you people reading. I just used MB, if your reading this, as an example because you've told me... Anyway. 
That's going to be weird.

Competition wise there has been two entries for both the charm and charm message comps, no story entries yet. They can be as long as you like and I was thinking if the entrants want me too I will put it up on which is for fan books to be displayed (with author permission). So far there's the first 1-2 chapters of Secret at Sea and the whole of Spied Out by MB14 so go read and comment on those!

Also I've been writing a new EJ12 fan story set at Bondi Beach but it's going slowly so it won't be up for a while. 

Anyway that's all for this post, see you again soon! (Thinking of doing another interview with someone...)


  1. Hi. I have another blog about horses
    And yes the pictures are of me on my pony.
    Happy New Year. I can't wait for FALSE NOTE to come out as it will have my name in it.

  2. I can't wait for False Note to come out. By the way, I'm going to be AK12 this year. I can't wait for that!
