Friday 2 January 2015

Fire Frenzy Fan Book Comp (my fan story)

Hello Ej12 fans,

I have started writing a new ej12 fan story called Fire Frenzy which can be found at or in the link on the right --->
I'll be sending it to the ej12 team when I've finished the cover. 

But in the story I am going to have two agent spots available... For who could be you!
You just have to come up with a good answer to a question down the bottom. 

But the agent divisions will be:
One agents will be science and invention 
The other one can be either science and invention/ animal OR Surveilence 
When you comment the answer say what division you'd want to be in

The riddle/question is:
The closer you come
The farther I go
The lighter it gets
The more I fade
What am I?

Hope that's not too hard, I only know once answer but there may be more. The bolded parts are hints sort of...
If no one knows the answer by the 5th then I'll do a new question.

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