Thursday 15 January 2015

Cover Changes

Heya shine agents,
This post is mainly about the new cover ideas, read on to understand.

First up, on the ej12 official blog the team has stated that since it' been five years since the first ej12 book came out, which now that I'm thinking about it I thought it was longer, they're going to be making new covers for the ej12 books.


My opinion: I get what they're saying with changing them, especially since we've only got another 2-3 years of ej12. But the part that's confusing us mostly is if the new covers would be the only option. For example, if they made new covers before the book after false note (comes out in less than 45 days) would the new cover be the only option? Would all the (3ish) books after False Note have the new cover and not the old one? Because me (being a perfectionist with book shelves lol) would want to have them all in one cover style, you get what I mean? 


What do you guys think? How would you change the covers?

I suggested making the covers show scenes from the books, for example for making waves EJ could be swimming with squirt and on the emma side she would be on a diving block? 
I personally also like the emma and EJ halves of the cover.

That's all for now

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