Thursday 25 December 2014

About Me

Happy Boxing Day (if you're reading this later then happy random day)(if yoru re in another country then merry day)

So I realised I've never done an about me post, some of your might not even know my agent name (CL14) so here's a short post:

Agent name: CL14
Name: not telling... But it's like: C_____ L________ 
Favourite colour: Rose (hot pink)
Age: 12-13
Favourite number: 26...
Favourite subject(s): computers/art/music/english
Agent division: im good at code cracking BUT me as a feild agent like that wouldn't be good... Maybe Surveilence then? Iv played hide and seek and hidden in a cupboard for at least 20 minutes after everyone else was found. I'm not sure...
Country: Australia
City: Brisbane (QLD)
Ej12 books I have: all of the published ones
Favourite one: can't choose one, maybe Pyramid Puzzle or Spooked... But then there's IJ the dark, on the ball, Christmas countdown, chock shock, Ciao EJ... Yeah that's really hard.
Competitions won: 1 I guess... I got a signed copy of Ciao Ej for doing a blog interview with the ej12 team?
Pets: a 4 year old cat called Misty, she's multicoloured... Not sure what breed...
Ej12 fan friends: ok the ones I know in real life are SB14 and RW14 who read ej12 as well, my other friends don't...

So yeah, that's a bit about me! Also I have a few surprises for the new year... Also you may have noticed iv changed how my blog looks, what do you think? I'll keep it like that for now at least then I might change it if it gets annoying...

That's all for today!

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