Thursday 25 December 2014

Interview with SB14 & RW14

Hello everyone,
In this post im going to be interviewing two of my friends who are ej12 fans, RW14 & SB14, because why not? My questions are in bold and their answers are below.

What if your favourite colour?
SB14: Aqua
RW14: Green

Who if your favourite singer?
SB14: Taylor Swift
RW14: Taylor Swift

If you could be a spy, would you?
SB14: Yes (I am a spy)
RW14: Yes, I would probally try and make gadgets 

What's your favourite ej12 book?
SB14: Rocky Road
RW14: Time to Shine

Who is your favourite ej12 character and why?
SB14: Emma because she always gets through challenges
RW14: My Favourite Ej12 character is EJ because she is so nice and the leader of the group

On a scale of 1 being dislike, 3 being i like them and 5 being obsessed where do you think you sit on liking ej12?
SB14: 4

There's the Interview done. Also here are their avatars:
Thanks for reading and shout out to RW and SB who are probally going to read this...
CL14 out

(Remember anyone who comments before January 1st gets 10 shining star points) 

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to interview people to know more about them. I should do that on my blog too. Can I?
