Sunday 14 December 2014


Welcome agents one and all,
Today we celebrate the achievements of shine agents. 

Let us start off today by saying, congratulations everyone who participated. You may have already skimmed down to see the certificate (which isn't that great) and who the winner was. But in any case, use keep reading. 

First of all let us thank third place, AK10! She reached a score of 20 by winning a few competitions! Congratulations AK10! She also has a blog, which the link to can be found on the right hand side of the blog.

Tying with AK10 came...EF14 on 20 points as well! She too has a blog and has answered some questions on the blog. 

In second place was... MB14! Her score ending up on 60! Congrats MB! She has answered many, many questions and won many times, not always getting the top points. Her blog is on teh right hand side.

Finally... The moment you have been waiting for... The winner is...

*Dramatic drum roll*
HH14 ended up with exactly 100 points! Well done HH! Your efforts have paid off. Her blog,, is worth checking out. Also HH14, just to let you know that on your new blog it says you need a Google plus account and many people aren't aloud one so maybe change that... Or not many people will be commenting ;)

Your certificate is below!
It's pretty ruff but it's still cool enough I think. Your name will now be put into the shining stars hall of fame! Also the first competition for the new shining stars is:

How many ej12 books are there (not counting false note)?

Anyone who answers that question get 10 points. 

Thank you,

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