Saturday 6 December 2014

Day 1 ~ Hot & Cold

Hello Agents,
Today I will be reviewing the first book (Hot & Cold) for my Christmas Challenge (post below for details)

<><> REVIEW <><>
In Hot and Cold EJ is sent to Antartica on a mission to find out who is melting the polar ice caps. Her mission is to find out how, who, why and how to stop it. But Back home as Emma, she is having difficulty deciding if she should go to Nema's party. 

What I thought:
The story is quite interesting and the puzzles good. I think iv read Hot and Cold the most out of all my books, because I was going to make a film with my friends. I'm not exactly sure what to say about this book without spoiling much but I will say that the story did have me guessing. 

Stars: 3/5


That was a really short review, I promise others will be longer, escpecially my favourite ones ;)
Also with the picture at the very top you may have noticed that Hot & Colds cover is outlined in pink. At the beginning of every review I'll post that picture and outline the book im reviewing in pink and colour red the ones already done. Also is anyone else doing these reviews? Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments

All for now
Jump Start Tomorrow
CL14 out

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