Wednesday 10 December 2014


Super exciting news!
First up the back cover of False note has been revealed on the EJ offical blog. 
It says:
When priceless violins are stolen from a music covetorium, shine suspect evil agency shadow is ochastrating something big. But how did the thief just walk out without anyone stopping her?
Special agent ej12 and the star team must work in concert to find out
Thast the easy part as ej12, emma jacks can do anything
So why does she find doing her school passion project so hard?
Sounds aweosme! Also the charms on the back have been revealed! First is a violin charm, second glasses, third fireworks and finally the heart charm.
I'm guessing the violin charm is the only from the front cover
The glasses charm might be a disguise charm?
Fireworks charm... That will be interesting, maybe some sort of sound or distraction charm? 
Heart charm... Well we all know what that does!
But what is a passion project? Anyone know? If so please comment. Is it like random act of kindness? I'll go google it ;)

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