Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas agents!
Got time to post today, yay! 
Nothing much ej12 related but mainly the weird stuff I did last night.

So we set up our tent inside upstairs (there's room for it and it's a proper camping one we've nerver used outside) and brought my brother(10) and my mattresses inside it. That's where we slept last night (Christmas Eve) but before that we went christmas lights driving, going through suburbs for lit up houses (also driving past my friends house) 

Anyway, last night my brother and I stayed up for a while, hunting santa-
(my agent name is CL14, so I'm 12-13, but I don't know to how young kids read my blog, so older agents,you might get what I'm saying... Maybe) 
-using an app but he stayed in New Zealand while we were awake. So we didn't stay awake until he 'arrived'. But we still stayed up.

Then in the morning my brother woke me at 5:00AM!!! But I didn't mind since there were presents awaiting. I got some money for books and:
Shine hoodie! It's a little too big but that's good so I can grow into it more! It's very warm so I'll wait till winter to wear it more. I also got some Nerf Rebelle stuff, nail polish and music album

So how was your Christmas? I read all comments and I'll reply in the next post to any questions... Actually why don't I do a question and answers post? I'll do that some time soon...

How about in Christmas spirit ANYONE who comments before January 1st gets 10 shining star points? 

See you soon!


  1. Wow! You must be lucky to get a Shine hoodie for Christmas!
