Friday 28 February 2014

EJ books facts

Hello again!
Today's post will be EJ related unlike my last few posts. By the way the turtle competition is still going so pleeeeaaaasssseee enter.

1. Christmas countdown location
In the actual book it didn't actually say where Christmas countdown happened. I mean it was in an amusement park but it didn't tell us what city. Well on the EJ website it says that it was set in Melbourne, where Susannah lives. So if EJ did her mission where she went the day before... That means she lives in Melbourne! I'm sure most of us would have guessed that but now it's proof. Go EJ!

2.  Hmm
I was just looking around the EJ books on the EJ website and just realised, she's been on missions in Australia heaps:
Rocky road
Choc shock
Making waves
Drama queen
Christmas countdown
Big brother
Time to shine

Wow, and we say we need more missions in Australia. Rocky road was Melbourne, Choc shock in Melbourne, making waves in Great Barrier Reef in QLD (yay), drama queen was on a set in Australia, Christmas countdown was in Melbounre, big brother was in Australia and time to shine was at port Philip bay in Victoria.

I'd like her to go to India (people have been asking for India for years), China and maybe some places in America again. Chile, Argentina, Florida, maybe even go to Hollywood.

Well I have to go but I will check the comments heaps. By teg way if you have any questions I'd be happy to ask the team for you if you want.
CL14 out!

Thursday 27 February 2014

Sea animal facts part 2

Hi everyone!
So here's the next half of animal facts. I'm still really addicted to sea creatures. Also I'll give a few more days until I announce where I see turtles every week.

1. Sting ray
So you all know of this scary and mean creature. Well here's a fact, they won't just sting you because your near by and a perfect target. That's right, they only do it in self defence. Still, I wouldn't suggest touching one just incase it's had a bad day or something. But iv found out that if you get stung by a sting ray you can't die. But it would hurt painfully. So don't go around poking sting ray, think of them like bees, but bigger, poisonis and pancake shaped.

2. Seals
I personally love seals, mainly the pups. They're so cute and fluffy. But apparently most don't live long in certain areas due to them being hunted. So mean! But I just love looking at pics of baby ones, the faces!

3. Narwhale
Have you ever heard of a narwhale? My friend told me about them and now I love them too. Imagine a whale, but thin like a dolphin but still long like a whale. Then give it a dolphin/whale tail and bets of all, horn like a unicorn. Got that? That's pretty much what a narwhale looks like. Search 'unicorns of the sea'. Ok so they aren't the cutest animal out their but they're close to unicorns!

That's all I'll write down now. I'm trying to think of more but I can't remember any more, my minds filled with pictures of whales and unicorns. Lol!

I'll post again soon! Maybe again today if I get bored.
CL14 out!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Some things

Hi guys!
So today iv been searching up sea animals, research for one of my books, and found out lots of cool things. Mainly about Whales because right now that's my favourite sea creature. Here's some facts:
P.s this will relate to EJ12 at the end.

1. Whales
I'm not sure if I said this in my last whale post but in America they have them at Seaworld. There's one uo here in QLD too but they dint have whales. The one in America trains them to do tricks just like dolphins! Iv seen some pictures of trainers standing on the top of a whales, um, nose/mouth I guess. It looks soooo cool. Search up whale riding or soenthing like that. I mainly like Killer whales. They're actually kind in the wild apparently and are quite small. Males get to around 10 metres and females to 8 or something like that. So they're not huge!

2. Starfish
Incase you didn't know this, if a starfishes arm is cut off it can still live. The arm as long as it has part of the centre, can grow into a whole new starfish! How cool is that? Also you can actually have pet starfish but they won't exactly be active, let alone play with you. I think I'll stick to seeing them at Seaworld.

3. Turtles
I loooove turtles! I actually will see a turtle every week! I'm going to let you guess and answer it tomorrow. Hint:I don't have a pet turtle but I see own every week, and it's not at the pet store or aquarium. Turtles are so cute! They can be super small as babies, the size of your palm or smaller and grow huge! Love them!

4. Dolphins
Ok I'm sure you all know how kind dolphins are. Iv never actually seen a dolphin as far as I can remember, sadly. On the holidays I went to the beach (Kings beach on the Sunshine Coast in QLD) and kept seeing a fin! I saw it four times over about twenty minutes. It was grey and I can't remember if it was curved or pointy. If it's pointy at the end it's a shark but dolphins have a curve. Now that I think about it I think it was a curve. It never jumped up or anything sadly.

I'll continue with this tomorrow since this post is getting super long. What's your favourite sea animal? Have you ever seen a whale, dolphin or shark! Remember to guess where I see a turtle every week! Winner will be announced as soon as a few people guess. I just realised this isn't very EJ related. I'll try and find something EJish for tomorrow's post!

CL14 out!

Next animal saved

Hello everyone!
For some reason today iv been thinking a lot about sea animals. It could be because I'm writing a book about people in the sea but maybe not. But then I started thinking of the animals EJ rescues.

What do you guys think she should rescue/use on mission, next? When I say 'use on mission' I mean like squirt who helped EJ. I'm hoping for guinea pigs or maybe another puppy but then I thought of an animal. Here's some clues:
It's huge
It mainly doesn't come in purple or crazy colours
It's actually illegal to go 30metres in range of this animal.

Well incase you haven't guessed I'm talking about the whale. Ok, iv never actually seen a whale. Well once in Caloundra I saw a fin to big for a dolphin but to small for a whale come of of the water. I was thinking baby whale since it was in a shallow enough zone.

Iv searched up whales today and it's actually illegal to go within 30metres of it! I read also about a boy about 15 who saw a whale not far from where he was in Perth and swam out to it. He then actually touched it. Apparently it didn't notice him until he CLIMBED on its back. That's right, he tried to ride it! And he did, until the whale started going to deep and he swam away.

So yeah, don't go riding whales guys!

What I'm saying is EJ should go and rescue whales from shadow who might be trying to hunt them or something. I'm not sure why I like whales so much. Because if I saw one up close I would freak out. Wouldn't you if your on a boat and out of no where a whale jumps up.

So that's what I had to say today. I should have called this post Whales, whales, whales. Lol.

I'll post again soon when I think of something else to post. That will most likely be tomorrow by the  time you get home from school.

CL14 out!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Shining stars!!!

Hello everyone!
How often do you guys check the EJ official blog? I do everyday. Maybe even a few times a day. Well I sent in a pic to it and FINALLY I'm a shining star! I would attach a picture but as iv explained, I can't do that.
Here's the blog link:

Well if you go under shine challenges up the top and choose shining stars you can see everyone who has sent in lots of things and have their name up there! I'm up there with some it her agents like MB, CS12, EP12 and a lot more stars!

By the way I emailed the EJ team about the EJ app and they said it's having some problems at the moment but will be ready soon. Well, there exact words were:
Yes, the app is still having some technical issues-gee whizz lemon fizz!

Hehe, guess it might take a month or more before it's ready, knowing programming. Unless it's only a minor error and easy to fix... I'm getting off topic but as an interesting fact, I like games and I'm trying to learn things like scratch, if you know what that is.

What's you high scores on Mission Alert? Iv only played once or twice because I use my iPad but mines not that high. I'm better at Jump start though! 😃😄😀

Oh and yes EF12, the zoo was Taronga zoo in Sydney.

P.s iv updated the poll.
CL14 out!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Back home!

Hello everyone!
I'm back home now. The plane trip was fun enough. There was some turbulence and it moved around heaps. But not super scary, just enough to make your stomach turn. Plus the planes so old it didn't have tv's!!! So sad, but I lived ;)

Anyway if I rewind time, today I:
Went on a ferry to Manly, had something to eat there, took a ferry back. It was raining the whole time though :(
We went to the chocolate shop again. I had the same brownie I had yesterday which has edible gold ontop! I know, sounds cool but do you want to know what gold tastes like? I licked just the gold. It tastes like dust. Actually nit that nice. But it made the brownie, more SHINY
I didn't go to the opera house but we pasted it a few times.

Now at home it's around 35degrees, and coming from 15 to 35 feels very hot! We forgot to keep teg air on running so my cat probably hates us.

Well now I'm home and still feeling like I'm on a ferry and my ears still hurt from the plane, at least it's collingd own. Except I can't hear properly. :)
CL14 out!

Friday 14 February 2014

Hello from Sydney!

Hi everyone!
I'm on holiday in Sydney for the weekend and so far iv been to a zoo(can't remember the name) and gone on two ferry's past the opera house. There's a boat blocking the opera house from my apartments view called 'Aurora', maybe A1 owns it (sorry if I just have you a spoiler on A1's name. It's in, in the dark.)

Right now I'm resting at the apartment. Iv brought on the ball and spooked in my backpack, and Pyramid puzzle and hot and cold in my suitcase. My friends and I are going to try and film our own fan made EJ tv show of every book! So far I have a few parts worked out but I won't be able to publish it because my friends aren't, and probally me aswell, to be on Youtube.

I'm feeling kind of wobbly just sitting, it feels like I'm still on the rocky ferry. The plane trip here was fine except as we reached Sydney there started to be rain and the plain had about 10 seconds of big turbulence. Like it went up and down heaps and side to side. We walked around a but before I found a CHOCOLATE SHOP!!! I begged my parents to let me go in. What I was super surprised about was there was no chocolate cake? There was one, but it had nuts in it. I'm not allergic but I don't like nuts.

I'm flying back to Brisbane tomorrow afternoon at 4. I'll update again soon! Also two things I just want to let you know of:
1. Any comments you put I have to check before they publish. But I check for comments more than I post.
2. I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures! I need google plus or something to do so and I'm nit aloud it because it's like Facebook without privacy settings. I'm not even aloud Facebook yet!

CL14 out! (For now)

Thursday 13 February 2014

EJ12 things

Hi agents!
I told you I would try to post more often so, here it is! Another post! This one has no certain topic but I'm going to say a few things.
First of all, I can't wait for Ciao EJ! I'm really hoping its not the last book! I don't think it will be.

Second, you gust remember the EJ app they were making? When I emailed them before school started they said they were trying to finish it before school started. It's still not out but that means they're almost done! Can't wait to be playing EJ on my iPad. I'm hoping that eventually you might be able to costumize your character, but that's not important yet.

Next, the EJtv show. I'm really hoping they make it cartoon. It takes a few years for a drawn show to be on tv but actors take only one or two. I'm really hoping it comes out before I get too old for EJ12.

Fourthly, wouldn't it be cool if Shine was real? I know it's not real (as far as we know) but on the news they said a tunnel was found under some Russian public toilets. Shine tunnel perhaps? It's being filled with concrete.

Finally, have you readers seen how many blogs there are out there? I particularly like MB14's blog. Try finding them.

Ok one more thing. When I looked through how many page views iv had (blogger tells me how many people from which countries have checked my blog), it says in all time iv had around 335 views from Australia, 100 and sometging from Newzeland, and then 51 from US and a few from Finland, UK, South Korea and another country I can't remember. Thanks guys!
CL14 out!

Saturday 8 February 2014

Laila profile

Name: Laila
Hair: black (in two plaits(secret safari))
Friends: Nema
Agency: SHADOW
Kindness scale: 1-10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
She's not that nice and is mean so she can have power, along with Nema.

EJ spy school

Hi guys!
So sorry that I haven't posted for ages but iv been really busy with school, now that it's started up again. I'll try to post at least once a week now. Anyway, EJ spy school came out and I decided to get it, even if I'm way above early reader. It's really cute! Perfect for younger girls. I don't have a sister so I only got it for myself. There's heaps of illustrations and it's all so cute. Most of teg pictures is exactly how I imagined shien would be. There's one of the indoor training room and it looks exactly like I imagined it. They are really short though, but that's understandable. The EJ12 team has even made a mini website for it:
It's all so cute. I'll try to get the next ones, Secret spy and puppy love when they come out.
CL14 out!