Thursday 27 February 2014

Sea animal facts part 2

Hi everyone!
So here's the next half of animal facts. I'm still really addicted to sea creatures. Also I'll give a few more days until I announce where I see turtles every week.

1. Sting ray
So you all know of this scary and mean creature. Well here's a fact, they won't just sting you because your near by and a perfect target. That's right, they only do it in self defence. Still, I wouldn't suggest touching one just incase it's had a bad day or something. But iv found out that if you get stung by a sting ray you can't die. But it would hurt painfully. So don't go around poking sting ray, think of them like bees, but bigger, poisonis and pancake shaped.

2. Seals
I personally love seals, mainly the pups. They're so cute and fluffy. But apparently most don't live long in certain areas due to them being hunted. So mean! But I just love looking at pics of baby ones, the faces!

3. Narwhale
Have you ever heard of a narwhale? My friend told me about them and now I love them too. Imagine a whale, but thin like a dolphin but still long like a whale. Then give it a dolphin/whale tail and bets of all, horn like a unicorn. Got that? That's pretty much what a narwhale looks like. Search 'unicorns of the sea'. Ok so they aren't the cutest animal out their but they're close to unicorns!

That's all I'll write down now. I'm trying to think of more but I can't remember any more, my minds filled with pictures of whales and unicorns. Lol!

I'll post again soon! Maybe again today if I get bored.
CL14 out!

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