Friday 14 February 2014

Hello from Sydney!

Hi everyone!
I'm on holiday in Sydney for the weekend and so far iv been to a zoo(can't remember the name) and gone on two ferry's past the opera house. There's a boat blocking the opera house from my apartments view called 'Aurora', maybe A1 owns it (sorry if I just have you a spoiler on A1's name. It's in, in the dark.)

Right now I'm resting at the apartment. Iv brought on the ball and spooked in my backpack, and Pyramid puzzle and hot and cold in my suitcase. My friends and I are going to try and film our own fan made EJ tv show of every book! So far I have a few parts worked out but I won't be able to publish it because my friends aren't, and probally me aswell, to be on Youtube.

I'm feeling kind of wobbly just sitting, it feels like I'm still on the rocky ferry. The plane trip here was fine except as we reached Sydney there started to be rain and the plain had about 10 seconds of big turbulence. Like it went up and down heaps and side to side. We walked around a but before I found a CHOCOLATE SHOP!!! I begged my parents to let me go in. What I was super surprised about was there was no chocolate cake? There was one, but it had nuts in it. I'm not allergic but I don't like nuts.

I'm flying back to Brisbane tomorrow afternoon at 4. I'll update again soon! Also two things I just want to let you know of:
1. Any comments you put I have to check before they publish. But I check for comments more than I post.
2. I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures! I need google plus or something to do so and I'm nit aloud it because it's like Facebook without privacy settings. I'm not even aloud Facebook yet!

CL14 out! (For now)


  1. Hi CL! How cool you went on a ferry? I hate planes and boats I'm scared of the ocean and I always feel sick on the planes! That sounds so interesting I wish I can go on a holiday, the last time I went to Japan!! Kyoto just like Susannah and kimono code! I still read your blog even though I he my own but sometimes it's more fun reading other people's because on my blog I all about my things and I already know so yeah. From MB

  2. Was the zoo called Taronga Zoo? My mum worked there as a teen, i love going there
